Monday, May 31, 2010

Make money with Twitter

Twitter Twitter Tweet Tweet make me weathly all the way. How can Twitter make me rich? Yes there is an way. Twitter is not just about tweeting 240 characters and finishing the conversation. Apart from letting others know the status updates twitter also lets u earn money by pasting sponsored ads on your status profile. Whenever a user clicks on the ads, you earn the revenue on it.

Twitter has a lot of tools to keep track on the visitors and the buzz generated from your status messages.

So keep tweeting and earning

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Making money by Affliate Marketing

Affliate marketing is a great way to earn extra income without stepping out of the house. Doesn't it sound gr8888...U only have to place the 3rd party Ad code snippet in your Blog or site and then u are on your way to earn cash. Whoever follows u r link will reach the 3rd party site and u earn part of the money accrued from legitimate sale of products & services.

Monday, January 25, 2010

People power = Money power

Hey lemme tell u another wealth creation technique. People = wealth. Formula sounds simple but it has deep & profound value. Wealth is directly propotional to people. The more follower network u have more is the wealth. Take for eg: Social networking sites. They are all based on followers & fans. The faster u develop the follower population the faster u make money by posting ads.

Friday, January 22, 2010

How to earn cash without spending a dime

Everyone just love lazying. Just imagine world full of luxuries unfolding in front of you. What would be your reaction. Certainly you would say 'WOW'. There are plenty of online cash making opportunities which enable us to earn without leaving the comforts of our house. Some of the techniques include : Blogging Adsense, Website Adsense, Twitter Adsense, Facebook Adsense and so on. I was astonished when a 18 yr boy opened up a blog and gave tips to other youngsters on how to make money. By this we can imagine how fast the world is moving towards self funding options.

Just visit for money making tips.