Monday, February 7, 2011

I have a Cash Idea

Have you got any old stuff ? - Old gadgets, books, apparels, electronic items, imported items.

Do you know that the things you considered worthless are really worth the money? Yes this is a truth.

You must have heard about EBay. What conjures in your mind when you hear this word? Trust, reliability right. EBay has a section dedicated to selling & buying of goods. You just need to open an online account of your preference. Then login to the control panel to barter. The most important thing is that you really get a fair deal for your neglected items.

The buyers are also at profit where they can bid on items & if it hits the board, you take the goods.

So next time you think of disposing your used items to the waste bins, think again?

You may just disposing off your WEALTH......So happy trading? See you on EBAY

Monday, January 31, 2011

Got an IDEA ! Make money

Hi All,
What are you thinking? Do you know that thoughts make money. So why the wait. Put your thoughts into action. This is the strategy which has created numerous self-made millionaries. Whenever you feel u can fill a gap or a need into a consumers life with some services or products, then mind it, you have taken the first step towards riches. All startups started with an idea, an direction, a place, some promotion, thats it..But the first step is to recognize the need & fill the gap with an innovative product idea or with a amazing service. People have even started shoe laundry when they found a need for it. There are various ways you can create a niche for your self. Start with a small category & then steadily expand your offerrings. This way you specialize in one core area before going all out even when you are strong in all. In today's competitive world, not the stronger, not the larger but the bizzare wins. You have to carve your USP's like the potter who carves the clay. Then give shape, keep your ideas firm. Do something different, create a value for every offering, make the impossible possible then you will reap the rewards for long term partnership. I wish this post change the way you think & create a niche for yourself...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Industrial B2B Marketing

The word Industrial marketing relates to promoting on B2B sites. Optimizing Industrial site means working on a B2B domain.

Try your hand on any Industrial site for optimization & you are sure to sign a contract with them. In fact, many industrial clients want to get business online but don't know how. You can fill in the gap by providing business promoting services. There are many way to assist business in generating sales leads & online visitors. Some of these include B2B Sites, Facebook ads, LinkedIn profile,Twitter profile, Google product submissions and so on.

The steps need to sign a deal with any industrial client are:

- Cold call / Email / Personal encounter

- Sign a deal stating your quote per month

- Get 1/2 advance before the task by providing Initial SEO analysis & settling on channels for submission.

Do a quick research on major B2B sites targeting the country & create a full fledged presence on it. This procedure should be followed for all remaining B2B sites. Following this we have SMO optimization which includes Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn. You can also create a business video displaying the company products and services and go viral with it.

If you do this assignment well, then rest assured you will rake in tons of cash from any industrial client.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Content Sharing - A powerful alternative to Article Submission

Do u want to reach to a larger audience to promote u r product or services. Try Content sharing.

Content sharing is a process or method of submitting the content in the form of Text, Link, Photo or Video to Content sharing sites which in turn promotes it to the target audience. Content sharing sites are highly SEO optimized since they are content based. Having a presence here means half the game won. Whats more, you can even earn a decent amount of money by submitting the content or writing articles on these sites. Some major Content websites worth noticing are Scribd, Slideshare, Squidoo, Docstoc, Hubspot and so on.

Just try out this method & watch your business grow......

Happy Content Sharing!!!!!!!! :)

Monday, May 31, 2010

Make money with Twitter

Twitter Twitter Tweet Tweet make me weathly all the way. How can Twitter make me rich? Yes there is an way. Twitter is not just about tweeting 240 characters and finishing the conversation. Apart from letting others know the status updates twitter also lets u earn money by pasting sponsored ads on your status profile. Whenever a user clicks on the ads, you earn the revenue on it.

Twitter has a lot of tools to keep track on the visitors and the buzz generated from your status messages.

So keep tweeting and earning

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Making money by Affliate Marketing

Affliate marketing is a great way to earn extra income without stepping out of the house. Doesn't it sound gr8888...U only have to place the 3rd party Ad code snippet in your Blog or site and then u are on your way to earn cash. Whoever follows u r link will reach the 3rd party site and u earn part of the money accrued from legitimate sale of products & services.

Monday, January 25, 2010

People power = Money power

Hey lemme tell u another wealth creation technique. People = wealth. Formula sounds simple but it has deep & profound value. Wealth is directly propotional to people. The more follower network u have more is the wealth. Take for eg: Social networking sites. They are all based on followers & fans. The faster u develop the follower population the faster u make money by posting ads.